Update on our partnership with Cadwyn Housing Association
The partnership is moving well, and we are set to welcome Cadwyn Housing Association to the Newydd Group in Autumn 2024.
On Wednesday at our Annual General Meeting our Share Members agreed to change our Group name from Newydd Group to Cadarn Housing Group in preparation for the proposed partnership with Cadwyn Housing Association in the Autumn. The name of the landlord will remain as Newydd Housing Association Ltd.
During this time Jason Wroe will continue to be Group Chief Executive. He is working with Deb Austin, the Chair of the Newydd Housing Association Board, and Frances O’Brien the Chair of Cadwyn Housing Association Board to progress the partnership.

Who is Newydd Housing Association?
Newydd Housing Association has more than 3,000 homes across mid and south Wales. More details can be found on the Newydd website www.newydd.co.uk
Who is Cadwyn Housing Association?
Cadwyn is a housing association established over 50 years ago. It manages approximately 2000 homes across Cardiff and the surrounding area. For more details go to the website www.cadwyn.co.uk

What would this mean for you?
There would be very little practical change for you. There would be no transfer of the ownership of your home, no change to the terms of your tenancy as a result of Cadwyn becoming a member of Cadarn Group.
Your landlord and all the services you receive will remain the same. We would like to reassure our customers and residents that our services will continue as usual.
The way in which your rent is set would stay the same and continue to be in line with Welsh Government guidelines.
Why are we doing this?
Both housing associations can share costs, expertise and be more efficient, resulting in better value for money which can be used to improve the services you receive.
To combine each organisation’s strengths, teams and expertise to boost our overall customer service to you.
To continue investing in developing and improving our property repairs service.
You will be able to access additional initiatives such as furniture recycling, employment and digital support.
There will more opportunities for you to be involved in what we do.
We want to give you the chance to ask us questions. You can contact us in a number of ways:
Email: partnership@newydd.co.uk
Call: 0303 040 1998
Text: 07422 128780