Keeping you safe

As an organisation, which has strong values, we ensure that there is a consistent approach taken by all staff when dealing with issues relating to the protection of vulnerable adults and children.

Although the statutory duty is with the local authority, Newydd has a duty of care when reporting suspected cases of abuse or inappropriate care. 

We are committed to:

  • enable the safety and protection of vulnerable adults and children
  • promote the health and wellbeing of vulnerable adults and children
  • enhance the quality of life of vulnerable adults and children
  • improve the identification of cases of abuse and how we respond to these cases
  • work in conjunction with relevant partners such as local authority social services to prevent a vulnerable adult or child being abused
  • train our staff to recognise, respond and work to prevent abuse, as well as having a reporting procedure in place should abuse be suspected

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is not acceptable; anyone experiencing domestic violence and abuse is not to blame and is not alone. Help and support is available.

Live Fear Free can provide help and advice to:

  • anyone experiencing domestic abuse
  • anyone who knows someone who needs help. For example, a friend, family member or colleague
  • practitioners seeking professional advice.

All conversations with Live Fear Free are confidential and are taken by staff that are highly experienced and fully trained. You can contact Live Fear Free by:

You can also contact The Samaritans any time, on any phone for free.

  • Call: 116123
  • Email:
  • Website

Please visit the Welsh Government’s website for more information. You can also visit South Wales Police website, who will be able to put you in touch with other support organisations that understand your specific needs.

You can read our Safeguarding Policy here. 

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