Towards our vision
By 2027 we will have:
- increased the number of social rented houses by 600
- considered the delivery of an effective non-social housing grant programme
- a funding strategy that will support the development aspirations
- ensured we have enough staff with the correct skills, knowledge & competency
- to deliver our Corporate Plan aspirations
- maintained at least 20% headroom against the tightest interest cover covenant
- maintained at least 5% headroom against the tightest gearing covenant
- budgeted for 30% operating surplus at annual budget setting
- published a report to demonstrate our environmental, social and governance impacts
- ensured all new build homes will be carbon neutral and 30% of Newydd's existing homes will be carbon neutral
- over 95% of tenancies lasting more than 3 years to minimise tenancy failure
- over 90% satisfaction with their neighbourhood as a place to live
- no properties with any outstanding compliance issue
- 99% of emergency jobs completed on time
- 98% of repairs completed right first time
- had no reportable incidents
- completed all annual Health & Safety refresher training
- had no data breaches
- had no loss of tenant or staff data due to cyber-attacks
- had no incidents leading to corporate manslaughter charges
- had no breaches of financial regulations or standing order
- ensured that there is over 90% satisfaction from tenants using support services and independent living services
- ensured that there is over 90% satisfaction from front line staff for the support services from Finance, Marketing, Information Technology & Human Resources
- ensured that Newydd Group obtains a gold award for Investors In People
- ensured that Newydd Group obtains a 3* Best Companies result
- carry out a strategic review of the provision of tenancy support
- fully implemented a Restorative Approaches culture across the organisation
Excellent Services
- achieved overall satisfaction of over 90% satisfaction with 60% in the “Very Satisfied”
- maintained high satisfaction with relationships with Newydd’s three key Local Authority partners
- achieved “Green” regulatory status in both Governance & Financial Viability
- carried out a strategic review to improve our approaches to tenant engagement
- achieved over 80% satisfaction with “How satisfied are you that Newydd listens to your views and acts upon them? “
- obtained the Tai Pawb QED award for equality and diversity
- become more representative at Board and staff level