Posted 04.03.2020

What has the Welsh Government said about us?

Housing associations in Wales are regulated by the Welsh Government and they publish an annual regulatory judgement. This sets out whether they have any concerns about how we are run or performing and whether they need to intervene in order to resolve any issues.
We received our latest Regulatory Judgement on 4 March 2020 and are pleased to report that the Welsh Government has graded us as Standard for Governance and Services and Standard for Financial Viability. This is the highest level of grading possible and means that there are no significant areas of concern and that our ongoing regulatory engagement will be unchanged.
To enable the Welsh Government to carry out its annual assessment our Board agree a Statement of Compliance. This sets out the extent to which we can provide evidence that we are in compliance with the Performance Standards set out in the Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations in Wales. Our Statement of Compliance is available on our website.
The Regulatory Judgement is available on the Welsh Government’s and our website here. If you have any queries regarding the Judgement or how the review was carried out then please get in touch.

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