Posted 13.06.2019

Our tenants’ voice changes

Back in February this year, you told us you wanted to be more involved. You felt changes to tenant involvement needed to be made.

You told us that returning to topic-based groups and disbanding the less frequent ‘In Focus’ days was the way forward to better tell us how we can improve our services.

The return of regular meetings on defined services was important to rekindle the relationships you not only had with Newydd staff but with other tenants too. You wanted a stronger connection with Newydd once more.

We have made those changes and revised our Tenant Involvement Strategy after your requests. This strategy, approved by the Newydd Board in May, has seen the introduction of the following groups to enable you to give detailed feedback on specific services:

  • Supporting Everyone Looking Forward (SELF) Group which focuses on independent living
  • Maintenance/Asset Group (MAG) which looks at reactive repairs and planned maintenance
  • The Development Group considers our new build programmes, and
  • The Housing Group reflects on estate management, ASB, rent arrears and lettings

So far, forty tenants have registered to take part in these groups and the first meetings of each group have now taken place. All your feedback will now be further discussed by a newly created Tenant Board that will work with Newydd staff to improve services. Members of the Tenant Board will include the Chairs and Vice Chairs of each of the groups, the Tenant Scrutiny Group and Newydd Board members and the Tenant Board will meet for the first time on 7 August.

To find out what our tenants are telling us and what changes we are making, keep an eye on our social media pages for #YouSpokeWeListened posts.

If you are interested in attending any of the groups, please contact Tracy on 02920 005477, 07899 665818 or email

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