Newydd donate high visibility vests to Barry Coronavirus volunteer group
Newydd Housing Association have sponsored a Coronavirus volunteer scheme, Barry Waterfront COVID-19 Community Group, by funding high visibility vests for all its volunteers.
Set up under the umbrella of The Barry Waterfront Community Residents Association, Barry Waterfront COVID-19 Community Group is offering help to people in the Barry Waterfront community who are self-isolating due to being in the at-risk category or because they have symptoms.
Currently 40 volunteers carry out various tasks such as dropping off shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog walking, posting mail and making telephone calls. The group also support local NHS staff by providing them with care packages, referred to as ‘Care-Ona NHS boxes’. High visibility vests are essential to ensure volunteers can be easily identified whilst out and about and for residents to be certain that volunteers are legitimate.
Ruth John, the group's Volunteer Project Manager said, "The Barry Waterfront covid19 Community Support Team are extremely grateful to Newydd Housing for their generous sponsorship of 50 High vis vests for each of our volunteers to wear during tasks we complete to help neighbours self isolate. The vests are being proudly worn by our volunteer neighbours; enabling us to be easily recognised, raising awareness and trust of our service and ensuring we carry out duties safely, in all lighting and weather conditions. It is with the help of these vests, that we have secured support from ASDA and Morrisons in Barry, who are allowing our team to skip the queue, giving a smaller window of exposure to coronavirus to our dedicated volunteers and an efficient service. It is very important that all volunteers feel safe and valued and those who receive our help feel they are getting a positive and professional service. These vests go a long way to make this happen and we are so thankful.
We wouldn't be able to run such a trusted and valued service without the support of sponsors who provide us with the tools we need. If you or your company can support Barry Waterfront covid19 Community Support team, please contact us on 07907 383941."
Paul Roberts, Chief Executive of Newydd said, “The unprecedented situation we have all found ourselves in has really brought to the fore the importance of community organisations and the contribution of volunteers. Newydd is delighted to be able to support this initiative and help to ensure that volunteers are kept safe as they carry out this vital work.”
Volunteers at Barry Waterfront COVID-19 Community Group only help if they are fit and well and follow strict hygiene rules. Several similar volunteer groups have been set up throughout the country so that people are supported and informed in a safe manner, by people that they trust, throughout the Covid19 Pandemic. These groups are essential in ensuring that no-one who needs help is going without it.
The group’s Facebook page can be found here.
If you live in the Vale of Glamorgan area and want to help out people in your community who are being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, or you need help and support during these unprecedented times then head to the Vale of Glamorgan Council website where you will be able to find details of volunteer groups in the area.