Community Regeneration & Tenant Involvement

Introduction to community regeneration

The Community Regeneration team help to regenerate our communities; positively affect the lives of our tenants, their families, and communities of interest; and put tenants at the heart of everything we do. All the support we provide is FREE, so please do get in touch if you think we could help you!

To meet these aims, the team works to the following themes:

  • Digital inclusion
  • Education, employment, and training
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Community benefits
  • Tenancy sustainment
  • Safeguarding
  • Physical regeneration 
  • Tenant involvement/scrutiny
  • Newydd’s Financial Inclusion Team also offer money guidance to tenants.

By getting involved in our activities, you can:

  • Make a difference to tenants’ lives
  • Meet new people
  • Improve your mental health and physical fitness
  • Learn new skills or even gain qualifications if you want to
  • Help us improve services
  • Plan and deliver projects that improve your community

Please click on the links on the left to find out more about the support that is available to you and how you can get involved to help improve the services you receive.

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